When I was a very young girl in Romania, I could make someone feel better just by touching them or them touching me.  I could talk with spirits, animals, plants, rocks, etc... It was a magical time... 
I can do so much more now since I’m conscious about what I’m doing.
— Carmen says


Making people feel better wasn't scary.  Getting sick from making people better was. I didn’t know of anyone like me, and I couldn’t talk with anyone because that was a no-no in my religion.  So, I told myself to stop, and I did, somehow by making myself forget who I was. While growing up after that, I knew something was missing from my life, but wasn't quite sure what it was. In 1986 I moved to America and I decided to become a doctor because that’s what you do if you want to make people get well, and I even went to a Medical Magnet High School.  While volunteering at a hospital, I found out I fainted every time a needle went into someone.  I tried putting myself into situations to get over it, but finally the nurses and doctors said they didn't want any more patients.  All of a sudden as a senior in high school, I needed a new career goal. So, after much pondering about what I’d enjoy and be good at doing, I became a teacher because I was also good at helping kids learn.

Fast forward 15+ years… after a divorce, I stopped going to church, had a couple of death experiences… that healing desire was so strong yet I didn't want to 'have to touch' to heal.  So I started learning everything I could about spiritualism, healing, chakras, meridians, clearings, etc. I kept looking for new ways to help myself not get hurt while I helped others on their road to healing. I loved helping people heal, and I wanted to help my students succeed, and so I became a Brain Gym® Consultant and Proficient in Touch for Health®.  

By chance I heard about the book called The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself.  I got my hands on the book and read it quickly, even for me (I am a lean, mean, reading machine.). I could feel the frequencies just from reading the book, though not as strong as I do now. I could feel my ‘superpowers’ wake up again. 

Now, I used to go to Arizona every year (before we moved to N Idaho), usually more than once a year.  I always enjoy talking with the Apache spirits as soon as I get onto Apache Reservation land.  After reading the book, they almost didn't recognize me because something in me had changed.  I didn't know then that my very DNA was repairing itself (They actually had to show me a picture.).  

While driving through the reservation, to show the spirits what I had learned, I simply started playing with the frequencies by pointing my palms out the car window and kind of waving them around.

I started feeling this joy and sadness combined and received a vision. I saw myself high up in the sky, palms towards the earth and rainbows coming out of my palms and down onto the earth.  Then I heard an Apache spirit speak to me and say, "Now our earth stands a chance."  I took that to mean I better learn as much as I can and get to work.

Another of those amazing things was finding out about Advanced Quantum Biofeedback.  While on vacation to North Idaho, I received a biofeedback session and it was so amazing that I wanted to be part of the Biofeedback practitioner family.  So I put it out to the God/Love/Universe that I would be able to purchase a SCIO machine for a price I could afford (new machines cost more than $20,000).  And... God/Love/Universe provided.  Then I received a ‘download’ from God/Love/Universe of the machine and program. And, I've been learning about the thousands of features and things the SCIO can do to send specific frequencies that help people feel better. (Of course I made sure to complete the specialist program so I could help others.)

Since I’ve taken ownership of My Universe and stepped into my own complete knowingness that I am truly meant to help people heal themselves, I've been happily helping people on their healing journeys in all kinds of ways.

I work with and live in Love and Light every day. I am protected by God’s love and his armor is around me. I’ve always known that I am God’s most precious being, and God lives in me/as me. We are One. (There’s a story there, left for another time…)

Going to the 'God' space, opening the door so you and the universe can converse, and sending love and light to you is what I do best.  Though I still use  things from Brain Gym® and Touch for Health® every day, I enjoy energy healing the most… with my own personal energy healing magic, to help my clients Converse with God/Love/Universe and receive an Energetic Tune-Up, and Quantum Biofeedback being my favorites (Yes, this healer has favorites.).  

My other favorite thing is to do Intuitive Readings. I’ve always had these ‘superpowers’ where I can see, feel, smell, hear, etc. things that others may not. There’s all kinds of words to describe what I can do, and I don’t worry about the words, I’m just grateful for all the gifts God continues to remind me of. I see possibilities and probabilities.

Making essential oil blends specifically for my clients' 'issues' has been a powerful healing tool as well. I found I had a 'knack' for knowing which oils and how much of each oil a specific person needed in a blend to give them relief and make them feel better. Using the best essential oils, and some of my healing 'magic', I tailor make blends specific to each client's needs.

Due to popular demand, I also started making BALMS using the best essential oils and organic ingredients I can find, and my own healing 'magic'.  I put a random million people in my sphere while I make up each recipe to help all million of them. Every blend and balm also gets an energy healing session so that it’s truly set to help heal. So much awesomeness has come out of my office, that some clients started calling it “The Magic Room".  I love that name. :-)

After moving to North Idaho, my husband and I got even more involved in making and gifting orgonite since our friends Don and Carol Croft lived close by. My husband taught me about orgonite and Croft Zappers when we met in 2008. He gave me a Terminator zapper soon after we met and I truly believe it saved my life. Now I make the Upgraded Croft Basic Zappers, which of course I had to add orgonite to, and I help build the Terminator and T-Rex Zapper. My newest addition is the Succor Punch.

My husband and I make our own orgonite for gifting and to sell (the way Carol Croft personally taught us), and he’s been spearheading the 108 Project, as well as helping me with anything I need to make orgonite, etc… I love making all kinds of orgonite, from the Basic, most necessary for everyone to have, to the pretty.

Carol gave me the suggestion of making intuited orgonite pendants specifically designed for the wearer. She was receiving requests of, “Can you make a pendant just for me?” and she knew I’d be perfect for that since my ‘healing/magical powers’ work that way. So now I make Intuited Orgonite Pendants that are specific to one person’s energy. Since some people wanted their pendant right away instead of waiting 3-4 weeks, I stared making Ready-Made Intuited Pendants designed with one person in mind. If it’s yours, you’ll know it.

I'm proud to be a natural energy sensitive/intuitive/psychic/healer, full of love, light, and magic... and I still talk with spirits, plants, animals, rocks, wounds, etc... This is a magical time that I am living in.

I love helping others heal themselves. I love knowing that I did something to help someone in need. I’m here at this time/in this time to help usher in the Aquarian Age and to help solidify the Golden Age Timeline. I am grateful and blessed to be doing my share to facilitate the transformation of the planet and the ascension process by helping to bring people back into their natural/optimal state of balance, wholeness, vitality. When You Know Who and What You Are things flow with ease and joy.

I so enjoy being a ray of sunshine and love in this world.

I am blessed and grateful to have so many clients and customers all over the world.

Thank You Universe!

Christmas 2024, taking a break from snow shoveling.

I am so blessed and grateful to be able to help so many people worldwide in such different ways using my talents/super powers. Just knowing you all is teaching me what I need to learn next. I am also grateful to the Universe/God/Love for bringing so many blessings into my life! YOU ARE AWESOME!
— Sending You Lots of Love and Light, Carmen

“Your logo is SO pretty. Who made it?”

In short, I did…. I came up with my butterfly logo all on my own. After starting my first website (Brain and Body in Balance), I wanted to make a logo that used Bs. I spent days and days and pretty much frustrated myself trying to come up with something that I liked.

One day I was playing around with writing and drawing using both hands at the same time while hanging out at my husband’s work, and I started doodling. I again thought that I needed to come up with something that was ‘me’. I kind of lost track of time playing around.

I got the idea of holding the blue and the green markers in my hands, put the tips of the markers next to each others, and next thing I knew I had the outline of this logo. I loved it right away, but I wanted color (I had a lot of Sharpie markers… hehehe), so I used red in the center, orange in the middle, and yellow all around. And that made the wings look like mirror Bs.

And that was the end of that. I had my logo, a colorful stylized butterfly with heart wings drawn with both hands at the same time using both sides of the brain at the same time. My friend helped computerize it for me and added lots more pixels after I scanned it in the computer.

I bet you can tell I like butterflies and naturally transformational beings from all the pictures you see on my website. If it transforms in some way, I’m drawn to it. And my logo is ‘ME’ for sure, so I had to get it registered. When I moved to N Idaho and we found our property, the first thing I felt was that it was going to be a healing garden for many, so now I have “My Healing Garden”.

It’s amazing what you can do when your brains and hands work together. I LOVE IT.

Credentials in a nutshell:

Natural Energy Healer and More since birth

Queen of My Universe

Certified Biofeedback Specialist (CBS)

Priestess Path Lineages of Light Initiate

Reconnective Healing® Foundational Practitioner

The Reconnection® Certified Practitioner

Soul Body Fusion® Practitioner

Brain Gym® Consultant

Touch for Health® Proficiency

Credentials of Ministry

Certificated Educator since 1997

Magical Being since forever

July 2024 Taking a break from making orgonite, and enjoying the sun & clear skies.

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