want to know how to use orgonite effectively?
Here are ideas that Harold, Carol Croft, and I came up with to help you use orgonite to protect your property, home, family, etc. !
Remember, not all orgonite is the same quality. Make sure that the product you’re looking at is at least 1/2 full of metal shavings and it has to have quartz crystals in order for it to be ‘true’ orgonite (per Carol and Don Croft’s definition). The more metal shavings the better in bigger products.
For the Original Don and Carol Croft Orgonite Making Recipes Visit Croft Zappers .
Orgonite is an inexpensive way that the common man can make or buy something to change their life and the world by injecting more ‘chi’ into the environment. The Grassroots Orgonite Movement started with simple Field Orgonite/Tower Busters made using the Don and Carol Croft orgonite recipe. That’s the recipe used by Carmen and Harold to make all the products on Carmen’s website. (And all the products, including the Mini 108, were seen and tested by Carol Croft and other energy sensitive/psychic/intuitive people before they were ever offered to the public.)
If you’d like to read more about Don and Carol Croft and their Orgonite Gifting Adventures, you can purchase the pdf copies of one or both of Don Croft’s books.
With Orgonite we can help our bodies transmute the negative DOR (deadly orgone) into enhancing, beneficial, positive POR (positive orgone). So basically, Orgonite transmutes negative energy into positive and beneficial energy and adds more ‘Chi’ all around us.
***Scroll down for the ‘108 Project’ Update
Using the Mini 108 Orgonite Patterns
Mini 108 Information:
Both mini 108s are designed to resonate with Om.
The distance/spacing between the orgonite pieces in these Mini 108s is what’s important to make these Mini 108 resonate to Om (called the Sound of Creation).
It is important to note that orgonite enhances the energy of any crystal that you put into it.
EACH MINI 108 IS HANDMADE BY ME and HAROLD and take about 3 weeks to complete. We made sure to include shungite in our Mini 108s because it helps with the 5G network issues we’re facing.
The Mini 108s weigh between 9-12 pounds depending on the size and wood used to make them.
18 inch ‘mini 108’ info…
The 18 inch Mini 108s are made with quartz points, shungite, amethyst, amazonite, sodalite, rose quartz, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rutilated quartz, and multicolor tiger eye in a pattern I intuited (different than the 24” Mini 108). I included bronze along with the aluminum metal shavings.
This is my newest creation. I felt we all needed something ‘non-directional’ that would help with protection, to be clear/balanced/healthy in all aspects, and would provide magical help with the ascension process.
24 inch ‘mini 108’ info…
The 24 inch Mini 108s are made with quartz points, shungite, clear/crackled(with rainbowy inclusions) quartz, rutilated quartz (black tourmalinated quartz), multicolor tiger eye, garnet, carnelian, citrine, rose quartz, green moss agate, amazonite, sodalite, amethyst, and aluminum metal shavings.
***The 24 inch Mini 108s are directional. Both Harold and I saw a tree of life, as well as a flower of life, when we looked at the pattern. And we saw the colors of the chakras flowing throughout the tree. To make the 24” Mini 108, I use crystals/gems that work with the body’s chakras in a pattern that I intuited. But I will tell you that the first chakra is at the bottom and a seventh chakra at the top of the 24 inch Mini 108.
You’ll notice a little black dot on the edge of the 24 inch Mini 108. That marks the top. This is important because sometimes you’ll feel compelled to move it a certain way, or hold it a certain way, of place it a certain way. This Mini 108 wants to help you get through what you need to get through, and protect you while doing it (as well as to give you EMF protection). So, listen and follow your intuition, and play with it. See what feels right at a certain time. AND it’s okay to change it around. This Mini 108 is here to help.
What can you do with a mini 108? The sky is the limit!
WARNING: The Mini 108 is a very powerful energy tool and you should be very conscious of where it’s placed and for how long it is placed there. It’s the kind of tool where ‘a little bit of exposure goes a long way’ especially in the the beginning.
*Be aware of where the 24in. Mini 108 is pointing. It took quite some time before I could have my 24 in. Mini 108 behind me, pointing at me, all the time I work in my office. Now it’s pretty normal, and if I notice an intensity that I don’t like, I take it of the wall behind me and give myself a rest.
One aspect of this tool is that it will help you in your life’s journey, and it will bring up things that need to be looked at and dealt with in this life in order for your life to flourish. (The original 108 that Don Croft made we could have under our chairs all the time after the initial adjustment, but it worked in a different way and wasn’t linked to a network.)
You can place your Mini 108 under your bed, chair, take it with you in your car, hang it on the wall if you buy a hanging kit. You can put it behind you, above you, to the right or left of you, etc. You can use it to meditate with, or you can just keep it around you so that you can get the benefits of orgonite as well as the benefits of being part of the 108 project since they are all made to resonate with Om and therefore they resonate with each other. Each Mini 108 becomes part of the bigger 108 network that Harold has placed, and will continue to place, in parts of the country.
REMEMBER, A little bit goes a long way with using this tool. Use it for short periods of time in the beginning and see how your body, both physical and spiritual, reacts. Be aware of where it is in your environment.
Just a note: Some customers have told us that they have used nail polish or acrylic paint to paint some of the orgonite pieces to make a pattern that they wanted stand out. We’ve not done that to ours, but it sounds interesting.
Both the 18” and the 24” patterns are energetically linked to large 108 arrays that have been installed across the country (see POST BELOW for more information about the network. … Copied from the Etheric Warriors post on Etheric Warriors, “108 Update” ).
Start with short exposures each day. This Mini 108 will provide you access to the entire array. Use it wisely.
For more information about your Mini 108 https://myhealinggarden.net/108s-and-orgonite .
If you’d like to let us know what you’ve noticed while working with the 18” or 24” Mini 108, or if you have more questions about using your Mini 108, please email them to MyHealingGarden333@gmail.com.
The 108 Project
After Don’s passing, Harold decided to place 108 Patterns on people’s properties throughout the United States. The Tower Busters, used to make the large scale 108s, actually get buried about 6 inches down so that they don’t get disturbed. People can mark them in some way, or leave them hidden under the ground. These have amazing energy. One of the unique things about the 108s Harold has placed is that they resonate to Om (The Sound of Creation). Because they all resonate with Om, the different 108s recognize each other and link up together. (And the Mini 108s we make also link to the network of bigger 108s.)
Interested customers contacted Harold and told him how much clear space they had available for a 108 Pattern. Harold figured out what size 108 resonated with Om, and went and helped install it on their property.
Something unique to Harold’s 108s is that he tuned the 108s so that it resonated with Om (the sound of creation). This idea came to Harold when he was visiting and talking with Brian Besco of Twisted Sage during one of our ‘Orgonite Gifting’ trips. That’s when we found out that the measurement 41.7086614” is the Om ‘cubit’ measurement based on the Teotihuacan pyramid outside of Mexico City, Mexico. Harold used a survey transit to measure and make sure that each orgonite piece is placed in the exact location that it needed to go in.
Harold and helpers have installed/placed 108s that were 44 feet across all the way to 924 feet across. Currently he’s not placing anymore 108s himself, but if you’d like to do it yourself, contact me with what size you think will fit on your property and he can draw something up (as long as his AutoCAD still works right).
108 Project Update
Copied from www.EthericWarriors.com (when it was still around)
Harold Lunt February 12, 2020 2 Comments on 108 Project Update
Hi, this is Harold Lunt, the 108 Project guy. I gave a short talk about the 108 Project at Don’s memorial. I know that this 108 update is long overdue, many of you may have despaired of ever hearing anything new about this endeavor but there were several things I wanted to learn and know about the project before putting anything in writing. See 108’s, orgonite pendants and tower busters for sale at www.MyHealingGarden.net.
Don with a small 108
First a short summary. I bought a 24” diameter orgonite 108 several years ago from Andy Schwarm (www.CTbusters.com), paid extra to have Carol Croft tune into my energy and add gemstones as intuited for a personalized experience when using the 108. After several years of doing my work and recognizing the beneficial supplemental energies that emanated from the small 108 I realized that the 108 pattern held great potential for uplifting large segments of mankind. (My work is primarily that of a “transmuter”, someone who dives into intense negativity and transmutes / transforms that energy into beneficial life-giving-life affirming energy. This is an exact parallel to the function and action of orgonite.)
Don and I visited several times about large scale gifting. We both had pilot training and recognized the ease that aircraft would afford us in gifting larger geographical areas, mountain tops, rivers, lakes and the ever present cellphone towers. I was interested in gridding my hometown valley, about 10 miles by 15 miles. At a quarter mile spacing, I would need about 2400 tb’s to do this project. Using a smaller, slow flying aircraft and aviation quality GPS I would be able to gift the entire valley. We also looked at gifting the California coastline from San Diego to Crescent City, dropping them a mile or so offshore, again at quarter mile spacing. Although neither of these projects were done, we both envisioned the benefits of orgonite gifting over large geographical areas.
In 2016 Carmen and I moved to North Idaho and became neighbors to the gifting community here, led of course by Carol and Don Croft. Don offered me the unrestricted use of his aircraft but I was busy building our homestead (well, septic system, barn, electrical service, home, roads, etc.) and I told him that after 3 or 4 years I would probably have enough free time to begin flying again. Don was flying the powered parachutes that he enjoyed so much and we both looked forward to doing large scale gifting. Sadly, this was not to be and his life ended much too soon for all of us.
A couple weeks before Don’s passing, we installed our first large 108, a 100 foot endeavor. This was done entirely with just stakes and strings for the layout since the pattern is all simple geometry. We use tb’s for the 108 locations in the pattern with 6 earthpipes under the tb’s at the 6 outermost points of the pattern. The “orgonite gifting rush” was about 5 or 6 times as intense as when gifting towers, so my suspicions were confirmed that we were onto something significant. We installed a smaller pattern at our home and made plans for a very large one in Arizona. It was at that time when Don passed. While at his memorial I made the talk about our 108 efforts that many of you have seen. Since then we have installed the Arizona 108, it is 926 feet in diameter. Also, one in the Minnesota area (250 foot diameter), one in Georgia (657 feet diameter), one in Montana at Dooney’s place (she made a short documentary of the installation) and several in the North Idaho/Western Washington area. The first thing we learned was Carol’s observation that each new 108, well before it’s completion, would link-up with the other 108 patterns that were already in existence, forming a network. We were all thrilled at this insight!
This was partly by design, as each 108 is “tuned” to the same frequency, primarily by way of spacing between centers of the clusters. Thus, when a new 108 comes “on line” it naturally aligns with the other 108’s that are likewise tuned, creating a larger network. This seems to be largely unaffected by space between the previously installed 108’s which leads me to believe that we are working on the quantum level, the same as orgonite. (This is based on the principle of “resonant entrainment” and is experienced if you ever sang into a guitar, then listened to the faint humming that your song induced into the strings. Organ pipes are also designed to “resonate” at certain sound frequencies and based on the diameter and length of the pipe will produce a singular loud and clear note. Likewise, we have the different 108 patterns all singing the same song.)
FYI, I am indebted first to Slim Spurling for setting the groundwork and to Brian Bescoe of www.twistedsage.com for his (and his sister Brenda’s) work with sacred cubit lengths and frequencies. It was several years ago on Brian’s website that I found that his “Balance and Harmony” cubit length resonates to the OM frequency. So here I had the tools to build an array of orgonite that would resonate to the OM frequency simply by being very precise with my measurements. (This seems to be true although the information is no longer on Brian’s website.) Also of significant importance, this basic cubit length was the primary measurement unit for the Pyramid of the Sun – Teotihuacan structure along with the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge and in Bolivia at the “Gate of the Sun”. You can go to Brian’s website and read more about his insights. Some of this information is at the end of this article.
Now about the pattern. Please notice that pattern consists of seven clusters of twelve intersections, each twelve is arranged into a six-pointed star. So six clusters around a central seventh cluster. Each of these star clusters is surrounded by a hexagon and these hexagons create a “honeycomb”. These hexagons have common intersections with other hexagons. I refer to these hexagon points as “anchors”. After meditating on the pattern, I understood that the star represents the merkaba or the human energy pattern. The hexagon honeycomb represents the earth/physical universe. So the 108 pattern represents “the harmony of man on earth” which is what Brian mentions as some of the major characteristics of this cubit. This is also very much in agreement with the perceived effects of orgonite gifting. All of these factors combine into this single pattern to provide an elegant solution for large scale gifting across countries and over the planet. We can all be part of this.
This cubit is 41.7086614” or 105.94 cm. I use whole multiples of this length or resonating fractions of this cubit for the spacing between centers and the size of the stars within the pattern, allowing me to create almost any size pattern, down to the smallest at about 24” in diameter. This is easy to do on the computer with my engineering background and the AutoCad software. I use a theodolite transit for the large layouts, probably maxing out at about 1500 feet diameter. We typically bury the orgonite about 6” below the surface unless there is agricultural activity like plowing being done on the site. In that case we bury them 15” or deeper.
We have noticed that the larger the pattern, the stronger is the effect and it is felt over a much wider area. Remember, any “tuned” 108 pattern, regardless of its individual size, will synchronize with the whole network. The elegance of a tuned pattern is that it requires no intention or effort to synchronize with the network, and the network requires no intention or effort to resonate with the earth and the positive creative intentions of mankind. It just does it because that is its nature.
A major milestone in the installation of the patterns was when I finished the seventh 108, as there are seven major chakras in the human form and this aligned with the seven clusters in the pattern. When I finished that pattern and was returning home (from Minnesota), I was very much tapped into the national psyche, addressing long lines of veterans who had given their lives for the country. After crossing the Mississippi River, I looked up through the windshield and there, was a bald eagle about 10’ above me, keeping pace with the car. For me, it was a nice gifting confirmation and that indeed, I was working with the national energy.
I have been blessed with an energy sensitive partner who makes a living healing and reading energy patterns of a personal nature. As a natural healer, Carmen will harmonize her energy with whomever or whatever she needs to focus on, then understands the requirements for betterment. We are presently working on a small 108, similar in size to the one that Don is holding in the photograph that will be “tuned” to the network. This will provide a person with a tangible synchronizing key to access this energy. Right now these will be cedar wood, with cut holes into the wood for the orgonite, then sanded and varnished. Carmen is reading into the pattern to see which gemstones need to be added at each specific location that will best enhance the interaction experience the owner of the pattern will have with the network. These are offered at www.MyHealingGarden.net along with orgonite pendants and towerbusters.
Here is a partial clip from Brian’s website about the Balance and Harmony cubit:
Balance and Harmony Ring-The Cubit length that creates this new Ring is the basis for the ancient Mesoamerican city, Teotihuacan. Translated as the “birthplace of the Gods”, Teotihuacan contains the great Temple of the Sun. This unit of measure has also been found in Bolivia at “the Gate of the Sun,” in Ancient Egypt, at Stonehenge, and other megalithic structures around the world. The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Egypt have an identical base-length based on this measure!!!
Teotihuacan Cubit measure and the Harmony Ring
Here is the story:
The Ring cleanses distortion fields from around the body very quickly. Lower vibrations change fast into whatever they need to be or they just evaporate.
The Ring creates a stronger connection to your entire Entourage- all of those who walk with You in the Highest and Best for You- allowing you to become more fully aware of your Entourage.
The ring is vibrating to three vibrations- past, present and future, helping to integrate them into a higher frequency.
Elementals of Earth come through the Ring to bring in Remembering Codes, but not like Codes from the Sun.
The Ring brings you in touch with Earth, as a Human of Earth. Balance of Mind Body Spirit.
Codes from the Sun shine through the Ring, coming through our Sun from places such as the Central Sun, moving the Earth into a whole new frequency.
If not ready to accept these Codes, they won’t come through. If you are ready, they will enter the Pineal and travel through to the Heart. There are matching Codes within the Heart that match those coming through the Ring. When you are in Harmony and Balance, and the time is right, these Codes Activate. They Activate what are strictly your Gifts.
connected to the Earth Elemental of Water- smaller gauge Rings (coming soon) will work better with water than any previous Cubit, while the thicker gauge Ring works really well with the body.
As connections are made and You enter into Balance and Harmony in the Heart, and your Mind is settled, you hear and know and see more than you ever have in the past. Simply go with the intent of doing so, along with the knowingness that you can.
Remember, www.MyHealingGarden.net for your own Mini 108, Tower Busters and Individualized Orgonite Pendants.
*Carmen is not a medical doctor. These products should not be used as a substitute for sound professional advice.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental, and you are a de facto researcher.
*** By purchasing anything from Carmen, you agree to do your own research before using anything and hold Carmen harmless against anything bad that might happen to anyone, anywhere, ever.